
Bright Friday

We've been enlightened (aka inspired) so we're offering our customers something different for "Black Friday". First of all, we understand why everyone else calls it black but in the spirit of Wildflower we've decided this particular sale is all about being bright. So get ready for our Bright Friday Sale Event!

The Details:
    • Doors open at 9am this Friday, Nov 29th
    • Enter the store between 9am & 10am on Friday and you're registered as a 40% off customer. Even if you stay all day everything you buy on Friday is 40% off.
    • The same applies if you arrive between 10am & 11am but you're registered for a 30% off discount.
    • Enter the store after 11am and you'll get 20% off your purchase.
    • If you leave the store, you'll receive the discount that applies to the time you reenter the store.
    • 20% off all day Saturday too.
Happy Thanksgiving. May your Friday be bright and time be on your side!

xoxo the Wildflower Girls


Here Comes the Fun

Join us this Thursday night for our 2013 Holiday Open House! Every November we love to say THANK YOU to our customers by bringing everyone together for a night of give-aways, refreshments, crazy cute clothing, and a Draw Your Own Discount Sale!

A little bit like a raffle and grab bag combined, DYOD Sales have become a perennial favorite. Here's how it works...when you're done shopping, you'll reach into "the hat" and draw your discount. 25% to 50% will be taken off your entire purchase depending on what you draw. Who doesn't love that?!?

So please stop by for a special night of shopping, conversation and fun. It's all about the love and we'd love to see you there.


Wake Forest Style Club Gets to Styling

Everyone has an inner stylist that comes out in the morning while getting dressed (unless your a nudist). We asked the Wake Forest Style Club to bring theirs out at night during their super stylish launch party. Then we told them they could win a $50 gift card to Wildflower if they got "editorial" on us. We gave Best of Show to a black and white look that dared to put a Kersh pug sweater over a Veronica M aztec printed dress with Minnetonka 3-fringe moccs. The Forest Folk where are you???