
Water Water Every Wear

If you've been shopping at the store for any length of time you'd know why Aveda's "Water on the Go" stations, which they're setting up in NYC for the upcoming fashion week, are of great interest and relevance to the Wild Flower girls. We're really into our water! For years you'd find big tall plastic water bottles from Whole Foods all over our counters. If felt right to be drinking eight 8 oz glasses a day until it started to feel kind of wrong.

While reusable water bottles are everywhere, and have been for a long time, we're the first to admit it can be kind of hard to move away from the convenience of just buying a bottle. It's refreshing, literally, to see Aveda setting up a no-brainer system for the thirsty masses that won't send BPA's into their bloodstreams and won't contribute to the big plastic island in the Pacific.
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